Leader/Contact Gordon Sim
Contact Details
Location Various locations
Day/Time Friday from 12:30
How Often Third Friday of the month

Men Who Munch

Just Men

Men Who Munch is open to any U3A man willing to participate.

Come on Guys, join in with our get togethers (which will be held at various local bars or restaurants to keep things flexible and interesting)

  • Between us, all will have an opportunity to decide what topics, activities or issues you are interested in aiming to have as wide a range of discussions as possible
  • Humour and good conversation are intended to be right at the top of the list
  • Come and make new friends and become part of a wider community

What happens at “Men Who Munch” stays at “Men Who Munch”

Contact the Group Leader using the link above and your name will be added to our e-mailing list in order to tell you about the next meeting.

Don’t worry if you cannot attend every time – it is meant to be interesting and fun rather than compulsory !!!!

Contact Group Leader

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*** Please be aware that you take part in any of our activities AT YOUR OWN RISK ***