Leader/Contact Annesley Sinclair
Contact Details Telephone... 965730605
Location Restaurante Riu Rau, Jalon
Day/Time Monday ... 12:00 noon
How Often Fortnightly

Open Forum

The Open Forum is a friendly discussion group which, during the pandemic, meets once a fortnight on Mondays at 12.00 noon. We discuss all manner of issues, both serious and light-hearted, such as Brexit, Climate Change, Gender Equality, Obesity, Wasted Youths, the emergence of the far-right and so on. Members take it in turns to choose a topic and we notify everyone in advance of what we are going to talk about so that we may get our thoughts in order before the meeting. We have members who, perhaps, are not entirely at ease with the electronic format or are missing the social side and they meet up at a member's house to share a device, observing current restrictions as to Bubbles.

Before Covid-19 restricted our movements, we would meet in a bar over coffee and we all earnestly hope that we can get back to those informal days as soon as possible.

So if you feel that your social life is being curtailed by the pandemic, why don't you join us for a week or two and see how your views coincide with or differ from the others. We are all different but we are all equal here!


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