The Goodwill Team - What a busy fundraising time we´ve had so far this year!
Are you like us, enjoy finding new places to eat or visit, either with family and friends or on your own? Recommendations are always good but I’m conscious we all like different things so please do your own research on any of the places listed! We are not necessarily recommending. Just providing ideas!
Yet another fabulous charity event by the U3A Vall del Pop Goodwill team raising money for local charities.
On a gloriously hot and sunny Wednesday afternoon at the end of May 70 members of the U3A Vall del Pop and their friends and family and supporters of Paws dog rescue enjoyed a wonderful, very English afternoon tea in the garden.
On Saturday 11th May 87 members, family and friends of both U3A Vall del Pop and Paws Xalo dog rescue danced the night away at a summer bbq party.
At the General Assembly in Murla on Thursday 6th June we were delighted to welcome Tony Grande from the charity “Make a Smile” as our guest speaker.