A warm autumn morning on Sunday 22nd October saw the Vall del Pop U3A hosted a car boot sale on the Rastro site in Jalon. As we entered we were encouraged to start with sausage in a roll and coffee – but no shopping and browsing was to be the first order of the day. As we wandered around the stalls, including clothes/china & glassware/books & games/tools & electrical items, my wife was attracted to several stalls with clothes, I found another stall selling cakes!
The Goodwill Team knew how to encourage a full house at the October General Assembly – feed the members with hot dogs. This incentive and a good speaker, Jana Petken, certainly did the trick and after the Association meeting we were enthralled by her talk.
A group from the Vall del Pop U3A has just returned from a great trip to Zaragoza, capital of Aragon, the 4th largest city in Spain. Like many of us, we have passed it on our way to and from northern Spain but following our visit we would recommend a stay in this very vibrant and interesting city.
At a recent presentation by the La Caixa Bank, Xalo, the U3A Vall del Pop Association was presented with funds of 1000€ to help with projects within the community. The presentation was attended by a number of the committee of the U3A plus the Branch Manager Rosalia Ivars Arlandis, and also Carlos, the La Caixa Bank Area Manager.
The U3A Vall Del Pop, Ladies At Lunch, resumed after it’s summer break, on Tuesday 12th September 2023. This was a little earlier in the month, due to a number of members joining the U3A trip to Zaragoza which is falling on our usual third Tuesday of the month.
Thursday 7th September saw a full house, 108 members, attend the General Assembly which was the start of the Vall del Pop U3A autumn programme. After the obligatory funny story from Bob Welham, our President, this month it was (for once) quite amusing, we got down to the Association news.