On Friday 4th August, Liz Macleod kindly opened her beautiful garden for a U3A Goodwill coffee morning and 38 members turned up to enjoyed Cava, Coffee, Tea, Sandwiches, Cakes and a raffle, Wow it was sooooo good!
Usually during the summer months of July and August many members have family and friends visiting , so it is a busy time for them. Our Sharing and Caring group realised that this might not be the case for some members, who are unable to get together with family/friends for whatever reasons, so they decided that their monthly Coffee Mornings, held at the Shack in Xalo, would continue, but for the summer every two weeks.
On Saturday 24th June some 60 members of the Vall del Pop U3A gathered at Casa Paula and Chris Heffron, who had opened up their beautiful garden for a Goodwill Team BBQ.
On Tuesday 20th June thirty-nine U3A Vall del Pop Ladies went to Restaurante La Piscina, in Parcent. We all gathered at 1pm for a lunch at 1.30pm. With the unseasonably cool weather we had experienced for our previous lunches, where we were indoors, it was a pleasant change to be sitting out under the canopy and trees of the restaurant, feeling the warmth of the sun and gentle breeze through the trees.
The new group of Dru Yoga recently introduced to the U3A Vall del Pop is certainly becoming a big hit with the members.
Our June General Assembly was held on the 1st and in addition to the usual tea, coffee and biscuits, the Goodwill Team held a cake sale [photo]. The delicious selection on offer proved very popular and raised over €190.