On the 18th May, forty-seven members were ready and raring to go at the appointed hour and in what seemed like no time at all, piling off the coach to explore Sagunto and its castle.
Whilst some 40 members headed to Cordoba, for the flower festival, the remaining members of the Vall del Pop U3A had a busy week with a multitude of events to keep us out of mischief, in addition to all our usual U3A skill group activities.
39 members of the U3A Vall del Pop left Xalo promptly at 10am, for Cordoba on Tuesday, May 9th. Salvador, from Viajes MCO, Pego, accompanied us all the way, and of course, our DeniBus coach driver, Antonio, was in charge so the rest of us chatted, relaxed and took in the changes of scenery as our journey progressed. We arrived in Cordoba to the Hotel Cordoba Center, for the early evening and we were soon comfortably in our allocated rooms. The next decision was where to eat, thankfully, there were bars and restaurants close by.
The Vall del Pop U3A celebrated the King's coronation early and in style with a fabulous indoor street party on Thursday 4th May at the Polivalent in Murla.
The Vall del Pop U3A have been focused on eating and having fun in recent weeks.
On Tuesday 21st March the U3A Vall del Pop Ladies At Lunch group resumed their usual third Tuesday of the month lunches, when we revisited the Marina Alta village of Murla and the restaurant Nou Portet. Seems impossible that it was nearly a year ago we last ate here!