Recently the Vall del Pop U3A Goodwill Team organised a fabulous morning at CanTallarina, Xalo , where Pam Small and her Let's Dance Ladies conducted a session to raise funds for the Team. The session was filled with popular music and dance steps which kept the ladies on their toes. It's obvious that the ladies love these sessions with lots of laughter and good fun.
Ladies and gentlemen...... Elvis was in the building!! And Sir Tom Jones! And Neil Diamond!
Thursday 2nd March was election day for our new committee and a full house on members turned out to vote – or because they heard that the Goodwill Team were arranging for scones, with jam and cream, to be available after the AGM!
Last Thursday, 23rd February 2023, another great turn out of the U3A ladies for their lunch date. It never ceases to amaze me what a following this group has, when 34 ladies sat down to lunch at one of the newest restaurants in Orba, Gusto Italiano.
On Saturday 11th February members of the U3A Vall del Pop and the Goodwill team, as well as members of the public, were delighted to attend a wonderful concert by Caprice, a choir of very talented ladies, at the former Black Apple in Jalon in aid of the Goodwill fund. We were entertained for two hours with a wide range of popular songs from an original version of Auld Lang Syne accompanied by the flute to jazz/swing, 1950s/60s sounds right through to modern day. Many of the songs had us wanting to sing along, including a fun Abba medley.
The U3A Vall del Pop Goodwill Team raised more than €6,000 through their events, which in December they decided would be distributed to seven local charities. This year, rather than donating cash to the charity’s overall funding pot, the Team thought it would be better to donate something specific which they urgently needed so that all our members who have so generously contributed throughout the year would be able to see specific benefits for each selected charity.