The worst thing you can be in the face of fire or flood is unprepared! It risks you and your family's lives! Being prepared is so simple. Here are a few ideas for you to think about (especially with the fire season nearly upon us!)
Fabulous News from HELP of Marina Alta. Their new Nurse Paula begins with them from the 5th of April in the Activity Centre in La Xara, Avda Oeste 29, from 10am to 12pm.
You will recall from our last newsletter that Caixa bank in Jalon very generously donated 1000 euros to us to be used to benefit the local community.
On a boiling hot day more in keeping with July temperatures, the U3A Vall del Pop held its spring car boot sale on the rastro site in Jalon.
On Tuesday, 16th April 2024, thirty ladies from the U3A Vall Del Pop went to la Solana, Alcalali for their monthly lunchtime feast.
This has been a very sad week for the U3A Vall del Pop and the local community as we said goodbye to our long term Secretary and dear friend, Sandra, who sadly lost her battle to cancer after a brave fight.