Welcome to the Travel, Culture and Entertainment Team… commonly called TCET.
The TCET arrange a variety of trips and activities throughout the year. Our aim is to offer interesting, value for money trips for all U3A members.
The team consist of: Sonia Higginson, Lynn Bishop, Paula Heffron, Margaret Cook and Jennie James.
All members of the TCET are volunteers and would welcome any new members or ideas. Team meetings are held on a regular basis
to plan the year’s programme, so any suggestions are welcome.
All trips are firstly advertised on the website and in the monthly bulletin, sent out in advance of the General Assemblies, which are
held on the first Thursday of the month.
In the event you want to pay for the trip by bank transfer, please see the details below:-
Bank - La Caixa
TCET Account:- IBAN ES 93 2100 6033 2302 0004 5552
Address of Bank:- Playa Major 3, 03727. Xalo
We work on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, but if places are still available after the meeting, then members should contact the
organiser of the trip. (Not the TCET Coordinator.)
Before booking, please take a look at the booking procedure. [Click here to View Booking Procedure]