Group News

Health Benefits of Exercise

Everyone knows that regular exercise is good for the body. But exercise is also one of the most effective ways to improve your mental health. Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, and more.

It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts your overall mood. And you don’t have to be a fitness fanatic to reap the benefits. Research indicates that modest amounts of exercise can make a difference. No matter your age or fitness level, you can learn to use exercise as a powerful tool to feel better.

What are the mental health benefits of exercise?

Exercise is not just about aerobic capacity and muscle size. Sure, exercise can improve your physical health and your physique, trim your waistline and even add years to your life. But that’s not what motivates most people to stay active.
People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it gives them an enormous sense of well-being. They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives. And it’s also powerful medicine for many common mental health challenges.
The U3A Vall del Pop organises weekly Keep Fit classes and they are really effective and enjoyable! Exercises to music from the sixties, seventies, eighties and the hits of today. All exercises at your own pace! If you want to join this class, please come and try on Monday morning from 11.00-12.00 at the Multiusos building in Alcalali.

Keep Fit Group Information

*** Please be aware that you take part in any of our activities AT YOUR OWN RISK ***