Group News

Ladies that Lunch

Suddenly It's All Go

After 18 months of inactivity the sunny autumnal weather has all the groups planning activities, so they can catch up with their members.

24 members of the Ladies at Lunch group gathered at Nou Portet, Murla, on Tuesday, 19th October 2021, for lunch in the sunshine on their terrace. As usual, there was lots of chatter, laughter and fun whilst the staff provided a delicious 3 course meal, with bread, aioli, and a glass of wine or soft drink, also it was lovely to see some new faces. They hope to see everyone, with as many other ladies as possible, next month, on Tuesday, 16th November 2021, with their Christmas Lunch on 14th December 2021 – so put these dates in your diary. Venues will be announced via the website.

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The next day, 20th October, 30 members attended a coffee morning in the sunny gardens of Victoria Station, Parcent. It was a fun morning and always a relaxed way to meet with old and new members and friends. There were some interesting prizes in the raffle, which raised 45 euros for the U3A Goodwill fund. On the Events table Sonia Higginson was busy promoting the Christmas dinner, at Pepe's, Alcalali , on 23rd November, and Lynne Bishop was taking bookings for the Christmas Flower Arranging and Afternoon Tea, taking place at Aro Mas, Lliber, on 29th November. Their next coffee morning is on Thursday 25th November 10.30am at Casa Claudia in Xalo.

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With the return of the cooler autumn temperatures for those of us looking for some exercise and exceptional views the Monday Ramblers Walking Group have resumed their normal hill walking programme. They try to keep the maximum of 16 on each walk as this makes for much more friendly walks, permitting everyone to get to know each other. So if you would like to explore the excellent walking opportunities in and around the Jalon Valley why not give them a try. If you would like more information please visit their page.


*** Please be aware that you take part in any of our activities AT YOUR OWN RISK ***