General News

Christmas Dinner Dance

Christmas Dinner Dance

On Thursday evening 12th December some eighty members of the U3A Vall del Pop celebrated their Christmas Dinner Dance at the Venta Roja, Jalon.

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Christmas Celebrations

U3A Christmas 2019

After a very brief General Assembly on 5th December the Vall del Pop U3A members celebrated Christmas with an entertainment packed party, with nibbles and cava to keep us going.

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El Presidente Comes of Age

Bob Welham

A full house of members at our Murla General Assembly on 7th November took the opportunity of wishing our President, Bob Welham, a happy 70th Birthday with a rousing chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’.

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Small Ads Will Be Back In September 2019

We used to list our members ‘small ads’ in the newsletter. For various reasons we couldn’t continue with it in the old format but I intend to reinstate it from September, ONLY in the newsletter. I will list what is for sale, the price wanted, and the name, phone number, and/or e-mail address of the seller ~
PROVIDING he or she is willing to have this information in the NL of course!

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*** Please be aware that you take part in any of our activities AT YOUR OWN RISK ***