General News

Ruby Wedding Anniversary

Ruby Wedding Anniversary

On 1st June 1982 a young couple gathered four friends and went to Kidderminster Registrar’s Office to commit themselves to one another – ‘till death do us part’. Now, 40 years on the couple find themselves comfortably retired and living in Spain, after a working life in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia. So, to celebrate their Ruby Wedding anniversary the husband offers to take his wife for lunch – ‘so generous after forty years’ she thinks! But then, the car by-passes the chosen restaurant and they turn into the drive of the home of their friends, Chris & Paula Barrett.

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Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Union Flag

With a large number of our members coming from many parts of the United Kingdom we were all a buzz with details of the celebrations planned over the Jubilee weekend in London. So, not to be out done, we decorated the Polivalent in Murla for the June 2nd General Assembly with flags, bunting and memorabilia of the UK Queens 70-year reign.

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Full House at Busy General Assembly

Mixed Media Group

Despite the terrible weather a full house of members attended the May General Assembly at the Polivalent in Murla last Thursday, 5th May, for a packed programme of events. When we arrived we saw the excellent display of paintings from the Art Group, with various themes and some multi-coloured paintings.

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Easter/Spring General Assembly

Easter/Spring General Assembly

Despite our best laid plans, for a speaker to encourage us to get out into our garden, covid strikes and Derek Lindley’s talk had to be cancelled until later in the year. The Easter celebratory theme however was retained with Bill White starting the entertainment by giving us a range of popular tunes on his keyboard as we assembled.

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Busy Times

Ladies At Lunch

At this time of year our committee are always busy planning new events for our enjoyment through the summer and autumn. This year there is an additional urgency for us all - to provide support to those refugees from Ukraine who have just arrived in our community. As you will have seen on the TV they have had to leave everything, other than a few items they have been able to carry.

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*** Please be aware that you take part in any of our activities AT YOUR OWN RISK ***